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Bachelor Marketing International (BBA)

Practical info

Format: 3 days of classroom sessions

Duration: 2-year cycle
Schedule: 3 days - 20 hours/week

Tuition fees: €4,700 per year
3rd year with RNCP: €7,000
Company rate: €8000
Application fee: €200

Campus: Paris

Language of instruction: French/English

Start date: September 2024

Admission level: From Bac +2. By way of exception: candidates without a Bac +2 diploma may be admitted.

Degree/Title awarded: Possibility to complete the 3rd year with an RNCP level 6 title

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Bachelor Marketing International

The Bachelor Management Marketing France-Japan aims to train students for executive positions in commerce, marketing and communication, in relation to Japan. The particularity of the course is a real preparation for working in relation to Japan: intensive language courses, openness to all aspects of Japanese culture (history, literature , politics, daily life, behaviors, etc.), training on the specificities of Japan (markets, legal environment, advertising codes, business practices, etc.). The presence of many Asian students within the school also makes it possible to build a network. stays in Japan (language, exchanges or internships) reinforce the students’ experience.
Understanding a language means first of all understanding the linguistic structure that reflects its society whole and which is rooted in its living culture. For this it is fundamental to understand the internal mode of thought intrinsic to the structure of languages ​​to communicate. This is valid for all exchanges from everyday life to the most professional. My Korean language teaching methodology is a kind of comparative research of languages, open-minded, to get as close as possible to the cultural mentality Korean through language education. Good luck everyone ! I am always here for you. 

CHOI Chungwoo

Success in Internship: Testimony of an ISMAC Partnership


Train operational managers in 3 years Acquisition of economic and management fundamentals In-depth learning of Japanese language and culture Field experience and corporate assignments
This double professional and cultural expertise gives our students fantastic assets to take advantage of the opportunities offered to them in all positions dealing with Japanese people, in France or Japan. Alternative training possible *Contact us to find out more about our training courses with state-recognized RNCP certification.

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