Inscription-2ln EN Admission procedure - ISMACADMISSION PROCEDURE Promo Code 2LN* CivilityMs.Mr.* Back to schoolFebruary / March 2024October 2024* Admission levelBachelor 1st yearBachelor 2nd yearBachelor 3rd yearMBA 1st yearMBA 2nd yearDBA Please select the courses you would like to attend, in order of preference * SpecialityBachelor Marketing InternationalBachelor France-ChineBachelor France-KoreaBachelor France-JapanMBA Intercultural ManagementMBA Marketing France-Asia IsmacMBA Marketing France-Asia ESC Clermont-FerrandMBA International MarketingMBA EntrepreneurshipMBA Marketing Digital InternationalDBA Then please: Download the Fiche d'InscriptionFill in your registration form and gather the required documentsSend your application via the button on the form below, or by email to admission@ismac.frIf you are eligible, you will be invited to attend an admissions board with a test, a motivational interview and, for some programs, an English test.For remote candidates, it is possible to organize distance tests.DOCUMENTS TO BE SENT :Completed registration form Photocopy of ID (both sides) A copy of your curriculum vitae Photocopy of Baccalaureate diploma or equivalentCopy of last diploma obtained with last 3 report cards I agree that the information collected on this form may be recorded and processed by ISMAC for the purposes of managing my application (admission to programs, organization of interviews and juries), producing statistics, sending information (emails, newsletters, sms), registering for school events (open days, etc.), documentation and contact requests.I accept calls on Saturdays.