Practical info

1st and 2nd year: 3 days in-person
3rd year: 2 days in-person and online courses

Type of contracts:
Professionalization and apprenticeship contracts possible only from the 3rd year:
2 to 3 days/week in training and 2 to 3 days/week in a company

640 hours/year
3-year cycle
Schedules: 3 days - 18 to 20 hours/week

Tuition fees: €5,500 per year
3rd year with RNCP title: €7,500
Company rate: €8000
Application fee: €200

Campus: Paris

Language of instruction: 1st year: French
From the 2nd year onwards: French and English

Start date: September 2024
End date: September 2025

Admission level: 1st year: High School Diploma (BAC)
2nd and 3rd year: Admission possible based on qualifications

Degree/Title awarded:
- School degree program:
BAC + 3 International Marketing

- In Dual RNCP & School Degree:

Professional certification registered for two years with the RNCP (RNCP Sheet No. 37849) by decision of the general director of France Compétences dated July 19, 2023, at qualification level 6, with the NSF code 312, under the title Commercial Development Manager, effective until July 19, 2026, awarded by IMCP, the certifying body.

2023/2024 SESSION:
Number of students presented (RDC + option): 20
Presentation rate: 98%
Success rate: 90%


The uniqueness of the program is a true immersion preparation: intensive language and Korean culture courses (history, literature, geopolitics, daily life, business world, attitudes, etc.), project implementation in France for Korean companies or vice versa. The presence of many Asian students within the school also allows for the creation of a network. Stays in Korea (language, exchanges, or internships) further enhance the students’ experience.

un réseau. Les séjours en Corée (langue, échanges ou stages) viennent renforcer l’expérience des étudiants.

Understanding a language means first of all understanding the linguistic structure that reflects its society whole and which is rooted in its living culture. For this it is fundamental to understand the internal mode of thought intrinsic to the structure of languages ​​to communicate. This is valid for all exchanges from everyday life to the most professional. My Korean language teaching methodology is a kind of comparative research of languages, open-minded, to get as close as possible to the cultural mentality Korean through language education. Good luck everyone ! I am always here for you. 

CHOI Chungwoo

Success in Internship: Testimony of an ISMAC Partnership


The Bachelor Management Marketing France-Korea aims to train students for operational management positions over 3 years. They will be executives in commerce, marketing and communication, for a career in Korea or France. The course is particularly operational with missions and practical projects for companies, language courses, exchanges and internships in Korea.


Contact us for more information.

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